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Setting up thumbnails for uploaded videos and for live streaming channels in the video player
Most current browsers prevent the immediate playback of a video – regardless of the auto-start setting in the video window. To prevent the participants from seeing a black player window in this case,
we recommend generating a thumbnail for each video and storing it in the video window.
1. Open the > VOD Streaming CDN and upload the video you want to show on the website.
2. Open the thumbnail settings for the video in question under > Details > Thumbnail.
3. Enter the point in time of the video where the thumbnail should be generated and click > Create thumbnail.
4. The thumbnail is now displayed and is automatically set in the uploaded video.
5. Go to the > Project manager and open the > Video window in your project. Embed the video that should be displayed on the website with the thumbnail you just generated and select > ◎ IMS Media Server.
Alternatively, you can generate the thumbnail for a video from the VOD Streaming CDN directly in the settings.
(!) Thumbnails are not automatically generated and added to the live channels in the > Live Streaming CDN. If you want to save a thumbnail for your live stream in the player window, select a thumbnail from a video in the VOD Streaming CDN and create it as described above. Then copy the link, open it in a new browser window and save the image locally on your device by > right-clicking.
Then select the live stream in the video window, select > ◎ Custom in the player settings and add your thumbnail using the > “Upload thumbnail” button.