Under “my account” you will get an overview of your account details. You can also edit your profile and password here, and add and manage users if necessary.
1. Click in the overview or on the > Dashboard page on “My account” or in the Drodown menu on “Account”. Here you get an overview of your account details.
1. Click on “Profile” and you will get an overview of your profile data. 2. You can edit your personal information via “Edit profile” at the top right. If necessary, change your password via “Change password”.
1. Click on “User” and you will get an overview of other users (participants) in your account. If you are the only user, no entry will appear here. 2. Select “Add user” to add another access to your profile. You can add administrators or moderators. Assign a participant and user name as well as an email address and decide which rights the new user should have. Added users can then be assigned to meeting rooms if necessary.