Within the survey management, you can create as many polls as you want, which you can select in the > poll window and add to your website.
1. Open the survey management and click on > + new in the top left under the page heading. 2. Select a title for your poll. 3. Add any number of questions using > +add question. 4. Enter your question and add any number of possible answers. 5. Open the > settings and personalize the display of the survey.
In the settings, you have the following options:
Show the participants a message after their vote, which you enter in the text field. The pre-programmed text is “Thank you for your vote!”, which you can change individually
Show the participants the next question right away
Show the participants the result of the vote directly as a line, donut, cake or bar chart or provide the results with a download link which the participants can use to download the overall result with your selected chart type as a pdf
Show a button that leads the participants to the next question. If you display the result directly beforehand, you also have the option of showing a message to thank everybody for participating. The pre-programmed text is “Thank you for participating!”, which you can change individually
6. Click on the > back button and > save your question(s).
You can also make additional settings for the entire survey.
(!) The “show result” function is only available for standard bookings (up to a maximum of 500 participants)! If the number of participants is higher, please contact us. Alternatively, we recommend calling up the survey results directly and playing them out via the image direction – in the live stream. To do this, open >IMS project manager > projects > survey window settings > survey management link – current survey result.