Within the registration function, you can manually import the data of all participants in your project and view them in the side menu under > options and settings > participant management.
1. Create an Excel list with the participants’ data. It is best to choose the following order of the columns: A = E-mail B = Password or empty C = Internal information (varying content for individual participants) D = Further fields according to the order you have specified, e. g.: 2. Delete the first row with the headings and leave all empty columns empty and then save the table as a .csv file with encoding utf-8.
3. Register yourself once so that all fields that you selected in the registration window are stored in the participant management.
4. Select the .csv file in the registration window via> Import – Participant data and upload it. 5. Check whether the information in the participant management has been correctly assigned to the categories.
When registering, it is though mandatory to provide an e-mail address. But instead of the e-mail column in the .csv file, you can also e. g. enter a name – alternatively, the participant can thus register by name.
(!) Manually create the first participant in the participant management so that the order of the columns is correct after the import – the email must always be entered as the first column. (!!) If there is no internal info (varying content for individual participants), create the column as an empty column. (!!!) If the passwords are set by the participants themselves, also create the password column as an empty column.