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Adding a MessageBox – viewer
With this function, you can add a message output window to your project that displays the messages entered in the > MessageBox window. You have the option of moderating all incoming messages before, in order to decide which incoming messages should be output.
1. Create a new window and select “MessageBox – viewer” as the window type. If required, assign a name for the MessageBox – viewer and select the associated MessageBox.
2. Choose the options you want. Options are > moderated mode, > displaying messages in reverse order, > fixing the scrollbar at the top. Optionally, you can also display the recorded messages as they were received live when playing the VOD (in the case of recorded live streams), display a header and write an individual text as the sender for all displayed messages, e. g. “Viewer”. With “Show only own messages” all participants only see their own messages and the replies they received personally. Messages to other users and their replies are not displayed.
3. Change the layout according to your ideas.