All participants are listed individually for each project with a registration or login function under the participant management. You can e. g. see, which name and password each participant is registered with and when they registered. The main difference to the login / registration function is that the participant has access to the project by entering his data (lead) without a password and without a login, or is registered in the project. The organizer cannot change this himself. The purpose is to generate leads in the form of customers or participant data in order to query who took part in the event.
Each participant signs up for the mailing list with their email address or their name (single opt-in) and immediately receives a confirmation email at the address provided. Alternatively, everyone can register with their name instead of their e-mail address. In this case, no e-mail has to be given, but an ID is generated when registering. If he confirms the registration, the process is complete and the lead has been generated (double opt-in).
1. In the registration module window, select the “lead generation” option and choose whether to register each participant’s name or e-mail address.
You can also add or remove participants yourself and send yourself (e. g. as a test) or others a registration e-mail (this is the same e-mail that every participant receives automatically when they register). You can use the download button to download an excel list of all registered participants.
(!) Each participant receives full access to the project via the link by providing (their) user data. (!!) The data is also written to the database for the “lead generation” function in the registration module window (with or without e-mail notification to the participants) and the “participant documentation” can be activated. These participants can also be tracked. (!!!) When registering, it is mandatory to provide an e-mail address, but in the participant management, you can > upload a .csv file and replace the e-mail column with e. g. a name. The participant can now only register with his name.