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Save and publish the project
With this function, the current project status is saved and published in the project. As a result, the page or the iframe in the browser is automatically updated.
This function is also used to control content. You can not only determine which pages of your project are displayed, but also control the content of the individual pages and their windows.
A typical example is the control of the video window. Before the event, e. g. a “welcome video” can be delivered as a greeting, 30 minutes to 1 hour before the start of the event, the system switches to the live stream and shortly after the event, a “postplay video” or the recording of the stream can be published.
The project is always automatically updated in a time interval of 1 to a maximum of 10 seconds.
(!) The function generates a “hard” browser refresh with which the entire project is reloaded. This means that the browsers of all participants who are already connected to the project are automatically updated. Under certain circumstances, this can result in participants returning to the start page (e. g. also back to the login page!).
We therefore recommend that you do not use the function during the live event, but rather carry out any necessary updates in good time before or after the event.
(!!) The “auto refresh” process is very CPU intensive. We therefore reserve the right to increase the “refresh interval” for projects with over 1,000 participants in order to minimize peak loads on the server systems.
There are other options for controlling content during the event, see > live control: show and hide windows.